Walkthrough Example

In this section, we look at fitting a SARIMA model on the USAccDeaths data set which contains the number of total accidental deaths in USA at a monthly levels. The data set has two columns, the year-month column and the deaths total. Complete code is avaialable in file time_series_python.py

  • We begin by plotting the data.
Original time series.
Original time series.
  • We notice that there is a seasonality component involved. Also, the mean of the series is not 0. Let’s start by doing a seasonal difference first.
Series with seasonal differencing (period 12)
Series with seasonal differencing (period 12)
  • There is still some trend. A simple $1^{st}$ order difference should remove this trend.
Time series after non-seasonal difference of 1
Time series after non-seasonal difference of 1
  • This is an almost stationary series. We continue the analysis by preparing the ACF and PACF.
ACF Plot
ACF Plot
  • From the ACF plot, there are only two peaks that are separated by a lag of 12. Hence, the non-seasonal MA is $\leq 1$ and seasonal MA $\leq 1$.

  • From the PACF plot, there are two nearby peaks at lag 1 and 2, and there is one more peak at lag 12. Hence, the non-seasonal AR is $\leq 2$ and seasonal AR $\leq 1$.

  • We chose the model $(p,d,q,P,D,Q) = (0,1,1,0,1,1)$ after checking the AIC for various combinations and following the rule of thumb that $p+d+q+P+D+Q \leq 6$..

SARIMAX(0,1,1,0,1,1)12 model summary
SARIMAX(0,1,1,0,1,1)12 model summary
  • Our model equation becomes \begin{align} (1-B)(1-B^{12})X_{t} &= (1 - 0.4303B)(1 - 0.5527B^{12})Z_{t}\newline Z_{t} &\sim \mathcal{N}(0, 99350) \end{align} and model summary is shown in previous figure.

  • We check the QQ plot to confirm that the residuals are indeed normally distributed. We also check for any correlations between the residuals.

QQ Plot
QQ Plot
ACF of residuals
ACF of residuals
  • Barring the noise, no such significant correlations exist. Ljung Box text on the residuals further confirms this. (High $p-values$ imply that we can accept the null hypothesis which is that the data points are independent)
Ljung-Box test, Dotted blue line is 0.05 significance level
Ljung-Box test, Dotted blue line is 0.05 significance level